The Orange County Historical
Society is pleased to announce
the publication of Ann L. Miller’s
The Register of Free Blacks for
Orange County, Virginia (1803
- 1850). (Softcover, 64pp, with
Introduction and Indexes, $11.99
+tax; Members $10.79 +tax)
The Register features Ann Miller’s most recent contribution to the history of Orange County. It represents the careful transcription and indexing of 147 register entries, including men, women, and children. In her introduction, she details the laws of Virginia that were behind the creation of such registers, and the story of how a “lost “document came to be found.
The original pages, kept in the Orange County Circuit Court Clerk’s office, are fragile and not available to the public. Thus, the publication, in a format that makes the records readily available for the first time, provides a valuable addition to our knowledge and understanding of Orange County’s antebellum free Black population. Copies are now available at the Historical Society’s Research Center(130 Caroline Street, Orange, VA) or via our website here.