The Confederate Memorial Monument erected on the Orange County Courthouse grounds was unveiled on October 18, 1900. The monument is dedicated in honor of 139 Orange County soldiers that served in the Confederate army during the Civil War--37 in Company A, 13th Virginia Infantry; 18 in Company C, 13th Virginia Infantry; 20 in Company F, 13th Virginia Infantry; 12 in Company C, 7th Virginia Infantry; 2 in Company E, 7th Virginia Infantry; 9 in Company I, 6th Virginia Infantry; 13 in the Orange Artillery; 9 in the Wise Artillery; and 19 in other infantry, cavalry, and artillery units. The erection of the monument was organized by the William S. Grymes Camp of the Confederate Veterans after the Orange County Board of Supervisors agreed that a monument to the Confederate dead should be established in 1898. Its dedication ceremony was widely reported in Virginia newspapers.
The monument is constructed of Virginia grey granite. It is six feet square at its base and is 26 feet tall. It is surmounted by a zinc statue of a Confederate soldier at rest, facing south with a rifle. The monument was manufactured by the Charles Miller Walsh Steam Granite Works in Petersburg, Virginia. This company manufactured numerous other monuments of this style that were erected in several other Virginia localities.

In 1940, the monument was moved about thirteen feet for the widening of Madison Road. In 2006, the monument was professionally refurbished, as it had suffered greatly from neglect and the effects of weather during the previous 60 years. Many of the men commemorated on this monument still have descendants in Orange County today.