Orange County Historical Society President Ray Ezell provided his personal list of goals and objectives for the Society for 2025, adding that the Board of Directors will have the final say, following its retreat in March. In no particular order:
conduct the Society’s 60-year anniversary celebration
conduct the inaugural Orange County Forum for History and Preservation, modeled after the Virginia Forum for those interested in history, economics, politics, geography, law, literature, education, politics, environmental studies, archaeology, and anthropology related to Virginia.
The Orange County version is intended to focus on Orange County and its immediate surroundings.
add additional unique content to our “Members Only” section of the Orange County Historical Society website
engage in more robust programming and research partnership with the James Madison Museum and other county-based history-orientedorganizations
• continue to make progress on the organization and availability of the Society’s research collections
Ezell added, “If anyone wants to help in the planning/execution of any of our events, please contact me directly by email at rayezell@yahoo.com.”